Foray into an area reserved too: money - Part 9
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Appendix: Some practical remarks
The banking network
In practical terms, this transformation of the currency is no difficulty, especially in the age of computers, statistical software and accounting is now in common use.
As bank money is long, the new money is created by the increase in the assets of an account, and conversely, it is canceled by the diminution of that asset. The novelty is that these entries at any level whatsoever, can not legally be performed by public institutions with the sole function of keeping accounts of individuals and companies. This currency being only purchasing power, which can not be placed or created in order to bring interest, it has a nominal value of its creation, it is not transferable from one account to another, she remains on the same account until canceled. Banks are no longer the investment intermediaries, they no longer have the power to promote clients' multiplying the credit "against repayment with interest taken for their benefit. In other words, they do not make money by handling: managing accounts they perform a public service, such as, for example, marital status or social security, and obey a Central Bank whose decisions emanate from the only political power.
Every citizen has an account under his name, held by the bank of its choice. This personal account number can be number of social identity, which ensures that everyone has an account and a single. And that from birth, although as the owner is not an adult, who has charge of using his account to maintain and ensure their education.

Funding for the production
Today, in order to procure the means of production, a contractor on credit, usually through a commercial bank. With money "that can not relate," there are more private investors living in the interest derived from such advances, and it is the government's responsibility to provide the means of production.
What differences this transformation of money she leads?
There is none in the first stage: in both cases, whether the banker or the relevant economic services, the Contractor must encrypt their needs and convince him that his project is seriously considering the result it discount.
But in the first case, the banker is the sole judge, and his only concern is to ensure that the amount requested in advance if it has enough chances to be reimbursed and have more interests that requires. While in the second case, the economic department, because it is public and not interested in a private capacity, will be able to take into account other criteria such as environmental impact, noise, health, waste, pollution, and conservation of the common heritage, etc. One can imagine the creation in each commune councils to publish projects and to get the public interested in coming debate. We see that in so far as it is no longer only to make profit, it becomes possible to consider all the conditions in which production takes place. This public consultation can lead to discuss modes, methods and production rates, their impacts, site selection, energy, raw materials, the nature of the waste and how they are eliminated, etc. And even what happens to the company if it fails to prevent these deplorable Brownfields we see too often today and no one is responsible.
In both cases even when the project is accepted, the amount awarded is included in the enterprise, which will be charged to the account as the contractor will use to buy raw materials and to produce as provided.

It's then that things change.
When it comes to a loan capitalist currency, the contractor is deemed to own the wealth produced and he must find to sell as it is with the money from the sale to repay the loaned amount , he pays the interest, he pays expenses, taxes and duties. When he managed to pull enough of sale for the balance is positive, despite possibly advertising it pays well, it has a benefit. Otherwise, it is he who is the loser.
On the contrary, if the money was allocated in distributive currency contractor does not have to repay or pay interest, or advertising, or expenses, or taxes, or taxes because it does not own the wealth produced. He is contracted to deliver to retailers to be offered for sale at set prices. So he makes a public service by producing what he has committed to produce.
Now consider the renewal of the production process.
With capitalist money, the entrepreneur can hope to earn enough profit to be able to advance a share of more and more of its means of production, so have less need loans and, therefore, be increasingly free produce as they see fit ... if they can sell more. When it reached a certain size, the company becomes a shared between shareholders which are common owners of the means of production and wealth produced case; Their only concern is its profitability because the company is an investment, and all matters such as production methods, working conditions and pollution are generated, again and again, as seen from the perspective of reducing production costs for the sole purpose of increasing all the expected return of their investment. Even the utility of the products or the hazards involved in this, no longer matter as long as good publicity "communication" manages to attract customers! Customers and employees are put at the service of investors who also have grip on production.
Distributive currency can turn this logic, the relationship between producers and consumers no longer based on the submission of each other, for interest. The competition gave way to cooperation with terms when asked settled by consultation, the production contract linking the team of producers to the society in which they live, and which also includes clients for whom they s undertake to produce.
During the term of a contract, on behalf of the company is recharged automatically for continuous production. At maturity, the entrepreneur and his team are required to submit their balance sheet to the public to have a say if any renewal application for certain conditions can be adjusted as required.

Citizen participation
The economic department authority to create money needed for production companies to function plays so with the new currency, the role only investors and shareholders when money is capitalist.
By creating the same way the money required to run public services, the institution replaces the tax: distributive currency removes any levy taxes or any taxes since it is no longer necessary. This does not mean that everything is possible, since the flow of distributive currency is defined, so limited by the production.
Through this currency is thus the general population that invests in its businesses and puts his assets at their disposal, and it is this which sets out the broad guidelines on the production and distribution of wealth thus produced.
The company is therefore committed to a diametrically opposed to the liberal ideology that exalts selfishness by claiming that when everyone acts only according to its own personal interest way, the result is happiness for all through the miracle of the famous and mythical "invisible hand" ...!
The democratic organization made possible
The tasks to fulfill depend first of the broad economic policy. Regarding the production of goods, two extreme positions are unlikely to be adopted in a democratized economy or aberrant growth ideology, race in front of a consumer society that destroys non-renewable resources and compromises life on the planet, or a return to the Stone Age through systematic denial of the use of any technology.
The wisdom of nations will probably towards a balance between optimal use of the common heritage of science and nature reserves to allow maximum individual development, and the need to avoid compromising the ability of future generations to do even better, by building knowledge.
Further recall that distributive currency does not promote the proliferation of useless gadgets: when the sale is not motivated by profit manufacturer and seller, no one has more interest in pushing the gogo to accumulate.
For these reasons, the development of programmed machines ceasing to improve the production of material goods, especially in the final stage, will require fewer and fewer hours of human labor. The necessary jobs will thus proceed mainly in research and development services.

How to distribute these tasks?
The current distribution is made by the market: anyone who is not an inexhaustible fortune in his crib was forced to sell his personal qualities and his energy at the highest price in the labor market, and his life depends on it. This system can be seen, leads, when employment is scarce, precarity and exclusion for part of more and more of the population. Because it is based on selfishness it encourages, this pseudo-society is, again, a failure in human terms. Distributive currency helps rebuild the society based on solidarity, replacing the rat race by a long-term contract between the company and each of its members and can be summarized as follows: the company guarantees all citizens a decent income for a lifetime, it feels compelled to contribute, through its activities, to the extent of its resources and as required, to the corporation to ensure that all adequate standard of living.
Based on a clear principle as a modern democracy means, defining the modalities of its application, to let the people themselves choose their activities, betting on their diversity and the fact that a task is all the better fulfilled it has been selected and therefore corresponds to the aspirations and abilities of the person who committed it.
The purpose of education, reflection of society, has changed dramatically: it is no longer to form disciplined employees and bulimic clients, but future citizens able to think, judge, criticize and take responsibility, and, regardless of the time required for that, to help them reveal their talents, find their own way, then give them the training they need to develop, with a maximum of general knowledge, key to their autonomy of thought. Aware of the needs of the company who assured him such training, a young become full citizens by engaging in the activity of their choice. It may be associated with it for others to share the work of a certified business and whose resources will therefore be financed as noted above. Admittedly such a commitment can be made for a limited time, so be the subject of a 'civic' contract, after which the citizen will be able to apply for renewal or change its contract , or propose another, or taking a "sabbatical" year for personal reasons, or retrained, possibly to a different activity.
It is expected that at least initially, the opinion reject the idea that complete freedom is left to every individual and that all revenues are equal. It will be up to each region to provide certain quotas or standards, such as minimum or maximum service vacation, annual or longer periods. Let's not go into details because it is not about to freeze anything. Our intention is not to present "a whole package put together" would be the panacea, but to present what seems like another key development, open to any changes dynamics, free of dogmas and imperatives are now taxed when no ethics can justify.
Yves Herbo : it should be noted that the pre-Columbian civilizations of Central and South Americas have for millennia applied a system without liquid currency (except possibly to trade with "foreign") no, and huge spaces. Close enough to this system, citizens commanded their monthly lists of family and professional needs, and each citizen assured his task to produce and supply the needs of all who were grouped into communities and made available to continue to produce and live. Obviously, a royal family and priests abusing the system and ran, but the principle is fairly easily replaced by a democratic government if you think about it a bit ... there is evidence that the vast agricultural dynamics of the Incas, for example, enabled them improve their technicalities and to increase the number of persons engaged in research, astronomy, chemistry, etc. people ...

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Sources :
Yves Herbo, 23-10-2014